Twitter has taken over my writing time-but with a limited audience (@brophycat) and only 140 characters at a time-there is no real opportunity to spew forth lengthy commentary on life. And it has been a couple months, so now it's time to put it down on paper so I can start fresh. Maybe it' s the change of seasons? Or the lack of summer? But as inspired as I feel, I also feel I need a break. But there will be no break on paper, anyways, until November.
So here's what's happening, and here are the questions that have been hangin' out for a couple months:
Every day I commute to work and it is a lovely ride over the bridge, over the bay, heading North. As I listen to the traffic update, they give the same report every day: "There is a slight delay heading south over the bridge"...ummm no delay have I ever seen-not at 8am. Do you think it's a pre-recorded update? It's supposed to be a live update. Yesterday as I went through the tollbooth to get on the highway heading North-traffic was backed up to the booth and crawling.due to offramp construction. What do you think the live traffic update said? That' s right...'No travel delays this morning, looking good."
I want to have some control over my life at work..well I have control, but not the kind of technical control I would really like. I may need to stage a coup. But I do not want to be a tattletale. I have spent a year developing and nurturing relationships and some clear personalities have emerged. One negative, and stuck, the other positive and visionary, but hampered by the possibilities of his own dreams. I am at their mercy..for now...but as time goes on, I find myself taking over more and more of what they are supposed to be doing, yet my job description and pay remain the same-and will always remain the same.
Why is David Letterman being seen as an okay guy when he was a jackass...just because he's funny? I bet his wife doesn't think he's so funny...
Why does it seem like the days are shorter and I am I really busier or is it just taking me longer to do the things I need and want to do? Time to check out David Allen's GTD. What is that all about?
I went to Houston to visit my daughter ad it was lovely and warm and summery, that was nice, but what is with all the power lines? And what is the best local fish? We were at the coast and nobody knew...what do you order for fish in Houston? I think you don't..I think you order beef or barbecue-with a Shiner.
So Twitter has proven to be fun, economical, efficient, and engaging. I have met more Tech teachers and professionals that can motivate, inspire and share than I can handle-almost. I have finally returned to learning at least one new thing every day. Maybe it's all the new stuff-and the potential of technology in education that is making me crazy. I said to a friend on Facebook the other day- I wish I had a crystal ball. But I don't. All I can do is inspire teachers to be the best teachers they can be whether or not they have the most up to date technology and equipment. Technology makes it nicer and easier, but it really is about 21st century teaching...
So that' s what' s up with Twitter-it has ramped things up. I now have friends in England, Thailand, Australia, NY, Kentucky, Colorado, San Diego, Connecticut and Idaho. And a hundred other places. Like @geobart in Denmark. It has also taken time away form writing more than 140 characters at a time.
I feel better now that I have fessed up and put it down on virtual paper. Time to head to work now-through the bottle necked toll booth and across the bridge where there is no delay. Maybe I will take an alternate route.