So a few weeks ago I had a friend partition my hard drive and load Windows Vista. What fun! It was like having a new computer, but I still had my old XP inside my notebook. I got my updates loaded, reinstalled several programs, and transferred my Outlook files, and was ready to go.
I use an extended desktop with my notebook, my notebook being my primary display on the left, with my moniter on the right. So there I was typing away..trying to keep up with email, web pages, and Im'ing my people. My typing, I must confess, is pretty awful, but it is legible. However, as I looked at my moniter, I couldn't believe my eyes! I can only describe what was flying off my fingers onto the screen as utter gibberish. As I was typing, my curser would move to random locations on the screen so that words became muddled with letters, and sentences became nonsensical.
AHHHH! I thought it was me. I thought it was my keyboard. I thought it was my mouse. My friend insisted it was me. "You must bve doing it. You must be hitting your touch pad while you type. mybe it's the heat from your hand..."????
"Really?" That's ONLY happens in Vista, not in XP." So I tried typing REALLY slowly.....I tried typing REALLY carefully...delete, backspace, delete. Crap.
SO after a few days of frustration and gibberish, I decided to do a little investigating. I can't be the only one who is experienceing this problem! Can I?
Sure enough, I entered the electronic world of Vista discussion boards and random postings of weird Vista happenings. I was not alone. Someone even went so far as to post a video of their whacky keyboard on utube. Lots of whacky and weird keyboard happenings with Vista, it seems.
Well, it took some digging, but I discovered an updated touch pad driver would solve the problem. To the Dell the driver update...voila. No more weirdness.......for at least a day. Stay tuned for more Vista weirdness.....
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