Thursday, December 6, 2007

Questions for the general good of the people...

People want to the TV writer's strike over? Is tonight the last "new" episode of Gray's Anatomy?
Is all the hype about Santana for real or is it just an attempt by the Red Sox to manipulate the Yankees...?
Will the Pats really go the entire season undefeated?
How high will gas prices go this winter?
Where can you go to buy a Wii and WHY is it the thing this Christmas season?
Why does the coupon or the big sale arrive the day AFTER you make the big purchase?
What is better for you....physical activity or mental gymnastics?


So once again the keys have disappeared into thin air. This is after I have attached them to this cute little jeweled froggie that is supposed to clip to the outside of my purse to prevent them from disappearing. The last thing I remember clearly is holding them in my hand while juggling my pocketbook, my banana, my water bottle and my granola, as I exited my vehicle (late again, I might add) and just before I slammed the truck door I LOCKED it. Like a good girl. I remember hustling to the front door, and as I entered I was greeted by someone who offered to carry my nice! "Sorry, I have to go teach PE!" Okay, to the lab, the locked door,(which is never locked) I reach into my pocketbook and miraculously retrieve my badge and room key..voila! Unlock the door, lug everything in, dump it on the floor, the desk, whatever, and so my day begins.

Fast forward to 2:45....packing up to leave, grab my photocopies, my binder, throw everything into my laptop bag, shove whatever's left into my pocketbook, grab my vest and dash out the door. "Where are my keys?" Of course they are nowhere...not in my pocketbook, not in my laptop bag, not in my pockets....."Let's go back upstairs and check the lab!" Nowhere..not on my desk, not in my closet...vanished. Until tomorrow, when I am not quite so frazzled. The keys will appear when I least need them. The froggie is lying low until that time, and I have managed to maintain my reputation....once again, in spite of my efforts to appear organized and together.

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