Guys more sensitive than girls? Really? Oh yes, definitely. In an earlier post I described how strong and independent the women in my family are, and I really thought the men in our lives were the only wimps, but I retract that.
After some reflection, I really think I have to admit that guys in general are sensitive souls, with hearts that are holding thoughts that women cannot possibly imagine. It's true. Women are more dramatic about their feelings, most of the time, although I do personally know some male drama queens. For the most part though, guys like to appear in control and in charge. But do not assume they are independent and aloof. That is an illusion.
Guys have feelings. Guys are sensitive and needy and they care what women think. Guys often miss the boat, however, because they do not share their feelings. Unlike women who share everything with everyone, good and bad, guys somehow think women can read their minds. My favorite line is, "Well, in the back of my mind I was thinking...." Here's a newsflash...there really is no such thing as x-ray vision. If something is hanging out in the back of your mind, then you better get it to the front of your mind and out of your mouth if you want anybody to listen.
So guys have feelings, who knew? What I like about guys is that they are guys, and not girls. You expect your girlfriends to vent and share and spew and tattle, and gush, and gossip and get over it. You do not expect this from guys..and you really only get what amounts to a volcanic eruption if guys' feelings are really hurt. Remember..they like to stay in control and remain in control, and they do not let their feelings erupt to the surface unless it all gets to be too much.
So, hang out with the guys if you want..but be forewarned. If you are insensitive to those hidden feelings, and you do not have x-ray vision into the back of their minds, their feelings will be hurt, eventually. And if you are lucky enough, you will never know it. But if you waken the sleeping giant and the volcano erupts, be prepared...
So many questions, not enough time. Every day is filled with curiosities and wonderings. What do you want to know today.....?
Friday, January 23, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Here is a picture of The Clipboard. It is a Word Cloud. If you were to take all the words I have used in my blog and create an image based on how many times a word is used, the words used most often would appear larger. Although the image is not that big, and a little grainy, it is easy to see what words I used the most.
Try it! Go to
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
True Confessions
Okay, so now that you got me thinking about 30 years ago, and some, not all, of the cobwebs are gone, there are some interesting and quite possibly entertaining events to write about. And I thought all my ideas had vanished! Suddenly, there's a whole new decade to write about!
But high school. What can you say about 4 very swift years except, it is truly a miracle I live to tell about it. I guess I did everything you would find typical of a high school student: I played sports until I felt I had to choose between one group of friends and another-and I chose the wrong group. I was in the school play, until my senior year when it was not cool to be part of that group. I had good friends for three years who wondered why I suddenly stopped hanging out with them. I honestly barely remember my senior year..sadly, I missed out on some defining moments, I'm sure.
Cool stuff happened, like Alan B Shepard (yes, the astronaut) spoke at our Freshman dance. Funny stuff happened all the time...mostly because my French teacher was the football coach and half his team was in my class so they could pass in order to play.Or when I tried to run winter track. I hate to run. I used to go out for my run and have friends pick me up half way. I tried to run hurdles, except I was way too short, and it looked more like a hop over the hurdles rather than a graceful stride.
Sports were big, I tried out for cheerleading but pulled a muscle in my back during try-outs. I tried out for basketball but before the final cut was made, the coach, who was also my math teacher, told me they had enough guards. Tough Luck.
Dumb stuff happened-mostly when I skipped school-like the time I skipped school and forgot I was being inducted into the National Honor Society that night. Oops!
I was good on the outside, and got good grades, just like I was supposed to, but I had this streak of irresponsibility and rebelliousness that still exists to this day.
Do I have regrets? Some...but things turned out okay.
Thank goodness we all grow up eventually and find our way in the world. Sometimes it takes a little while to figure out the road you're on is a dead end. Sometimes you just need to have patience and faith and stay the course..traveling just a little bit further down that road than you want to. And sometimes, just sometimes, it's enough to follow your heart to get to your dream.
But high school. What can you say about 4 very swift years except, it is truly a miracle I live to tell about it. I guess I did everything you would find typical of a high school student: I played sports until I felt I had to choose between one group of friends and another-and I chose the wrong group. I was in the school play, until my senior year when it was not cool to be part of that group. I had good friends for three years who wondered why I suddenly stopped hanging out with them. I honestly barely remember my senior year..sadly, I missed out on some defining moments, I'm sure.
Cool stuff happened, like Alan B Shepard (yes, the astronaut) spoke at our Freshman dance. Funny stuff happened all the time...mostly because my French teacher was the football coach and half his team was in my class so they could pass in order to play.Or when I tried to run winter track. I hate to run. I used to go out for my run and have friends pick me up half way. I tried to run hurdles, except I was way too short, and it looked more like a hop over the hurdles rather than a graceful stride.
Sports were big, I tried out for cheerleading but pulled a muscle in my back during try-outs. I tried out for basketball but before the final cut was made, the coach, who was also my math teacher, told me they had enough guards. Tough Luck.
Dumb stuff happened-mostly when I skipped school-like the time I skipped school and forgot I was being inducted into the National Honor Society that night. Oops!
I was good on the outside, and got good grades, just like I was supposed to, but I had this streak of irresponsibility and rebelliousness that still exists to this day.
Do I have regrets? Some...but things turned out okay.
Thank goodness we all grow up eventually and find our way in the world. Sometimes it takes a little while to figure out the road you're on is a dead end. Sometimes you just need to have patience and faith and stay the course..traveling just a little bit further down that road than you want to. And sometimes, just sometimes, it's enough to follow your heart to get to your dream.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Where were you 30 years ago?
So although it was unexpected, it was inevitable. With the advent of Facebook and Myspace and, it was not a matter of if, but when. When would my past catch up with me?
It's not like it's outrageous and unusual, but it was, after all 30 years ago. Thirty years is a long time! Thank goodness most people change and grow and learn as the years go by. Unfortunately, an equal number of unfortunate souls consider their high school years the highlight of their life.
Here's where the curiosity factor weighs in. What on earth would posses someone to make contact with a classmate thirty years later? Well, a prom date and friend.. Okay, so that in itself is not really so unusual. What is unusual is how totally oblivious I was to how I was being perceived as I lived and learned throughout my high school years.
I do remember I hated the whole prom thing. It was not cool to go with your friends-girls or guys, and I had lots of friends who were guys. Guys who were your friends thought someone else was asking you. The whole thing was just stressful. Everyone ended up pretty miserable, whether you went or stayed home. I went. I should have stayed home.
SO, let's go back in time for a brief moment...I dare say there are an awful lot of cobwebs to be cleared..but I had friends, lots of friends, many girls, guys, and many who ended up marrying each other and who knows where they are today? Sometimes I wonder about some of them, but certainly there were too many acquaintances to keep track of.
SO then I find out 30 years later one of my friends thought he was more than a friend and he regrets not sharing this with me all these years!
Why would someone actually share this thirty years later? Maybe it is part of some therapy or something, like Dr. Phil. It is a total mystery and I cannot fathom all the poor souls out there I thought I couldn't live without and clearly, since I cannot even remember their names, I guess I can easily live without them. Those whose names I do recall will never hear from me, that's for sure. It is both intriguing and interesting and absurd, all at once.
So if there is a lesson in all this it is that I have probably not changed all that much. I still have lots of friends; sometimes I am totally oblivious, and that's probably a good thing; and my life is full of surprises. I try not to take myself too seriously, and in doing so, perhaps my intentions are misperceived. The people in my life I care deeply about, and the people I have not seen in or heard from in 30 years, well, not so deeply. I am curious, but not that curious.
Thirty years? Evidently it is not long enough to erase the past completely. Thirty years is an eternity and an instant. What you say and do and how you treat people today,will be remembered 30 years from now. Count on it.
It's not like it's outrageous and unusual, but it was, after all 30 years ago. Thirty years is a long time! Thank goodness most people change and grow and learn as the years go by. Unfortunately, an equal number of unfortunate souls consider their high school years the highlight of their life.
Here's where the curiosity factor weighs in. What on earth would posses someone to make contact with a classmate thirty years later? Well, a prom date and friend.. Okay, so that in itself is not really so unusual. What is unusual is how totally oblivious I was to how I was being perceived as I lived and learned throughout my high school years.
I do remember I hated the whole prom thing. It was not cool to go with your friends-girls or guys, and I had lots of friends who were guys. Guys who were your friends thought someone else was asking you. The whole thing was just stressful. Everyone ended up pretty miserable, whether you went or stayed home. I went. I should have stayed home.
SO, let's go back in time for a brief moment...I dare say there are an awful lot of cobwebs to be cleared..but I had friends, lots of friends, many girls, guys, and many who ended up marrying each other and who knows where they are today? Sometimes I wonder about some of them, but certainly there were too many acquaintances to keep track of.
SO then I find out 30 years later one of my friends thought he was more than a friend and he regrets not sharing this with me all these years!
Why would someone actually share this thirty years later? Maybe it is part of some therapy or something, like Dr. Phil. It is a total mystery and I cannot fathom all the poor souls out there I thought I couldn't live without and clearly, since I cannot even remember their names, I guess I can easily live without them. Those whose names I do recall will never hear from me, that's for sure. It is both intriguing and interesting and absurd, all at once.
So if there is a lesson in all this it is that I have probably not changed all that much. I still have lots of friends; sometimes I am totally oblivious, and that's probably a good thing; and my life is full of surprises. I try not to take myself too seriously, and in doing so, perhaps my intentions are misperceived. The people in my life I care deeply about, and the people I have not seen in or heard from in 30 years, well, not so deeply. I am curious, but not that curious.
Thirty years? Evidently it is not long enough to erase the past completely. Thirty years is an eternity and an instant. What you say and do and how you treat people today,will be remembered 30 years from now. Count on it.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
So how did I do?
So I thought it would be fun to go back to 2008 and look at my to do list and see how I did....Here' s the list I drafted on December 23 last year..
Go to Foxborough Stadium...that will stay on THE LIST.
Well, I actually DID go to Foxborough Stadium-Gillete Field...but it was during the off season..does that count? I think it does...we drove into the parking lot on our way back from NJ last spring, and saw Patriot Place almost built...we were the only ones there..kinda cool; we buzzed around the parking lot..I was super impressed and vowed to come back to actually see the Pats play. Maybe next year....
Join the Wine of the Month Club
Nope, didn't do that..does drinking wine throughout the month count? I did manage to ship myself some fantastic wine from Temeculah in June when we went out to San Diego for the USGA Open. Still have a couple bottles left....apparently, there are some very strict rules about shipping alcohol to NH.....who knew?
Go to Foxwoods to play golf
Nope..but I did get to Mohegan Sun..just to compare...don't go on a weekend!! What a zoo!! I think I prefer I want to go the new MGM Grand Hotel. Maybe someday soon....
Break 100 .
I tried too soon..before I was in condition...hence, I injured myself and continued to play. I am now in therapy and plan to be back better than ever.
Buy a Macbook Pro
Changed my mind and got a new Dell XPS instead. I still drool over the Macbook Pro..but I am happy with my XPS.
redecorate my Library (is that what I am calling it now?)
I bought the paint!! This winter....I promise...
photograph more....
Yay!! I DID this...not consistently, but overall, a definite improvement.
digitize analogue tapes
I now have a friend with a this will get done! We did's the infamous 1 year old Cole in a snowsuit falling on his head. Ouch!
digitize family photos
I have a stack..and I re-loaded my HP software so I can now scan. Evidently Vista uninstalls this software randomly some time after it is installed..but once that mystery was solved..we had scanning!!!
introduce TED !!
I have a wiki..does that count? And a website...and an LLC license...and a graphic artist to design a logo and business steps
party more !!
Yes....although when you really didn't party much at all, anything is more..this should say, enjoy life more!!
complain less !!
Yes!! But you would have to ask the people who know me and love me....maybe it's the new job???
So there you have it..lots of things still on the list..lots of goals, lots of plans. 2009 promises to be fun, exciting, and challenging. One thing is for sure, I am grateful for my health and my ability to get up every day and face life's big and little challenges; I am grateful for my family and friends; and I will try to live each day with a sense of purpose and accomplishment.
Happy New Year everyone!!!
Go to Foxborough Stadium...that will stay on THE LIST.
Well, I actually DID go to Foxborough Stadium-Gillete Field...but it was during the off season..does that count? I think it does...we drove into the parking lot on our way back from NJ last spring, and saw Patriot Place almost built...we were the only ones there..kinda cool; we buzzed around the parking lot..I was super impressed and vowed to come back to actually see the Pats play. Maybe next year....
Join the Wine of the Month Club
Nope, didn't do that..does drinking wine throughout the month count? I did manage to ship myself some fantastic wine from Temeculah in June when we went out to San Diego for the USGA Open. Still have a couple bottles left....apparently, there are some very strict rules about shipping alcohol to NH.....who knew?
Go to Foxwoods to play golf
Nope..but I did get to Mohegan Sun..just to compare...don't go on a weekend!! What a zoo!! I think I prefer I want to go the new MGM Grand Hotel. Maybe someday soon....
Break 100 .
I tried too soon..before I was in condition...hence, I injured myself and continued to play. I am now in therapy and plan to be back better than ever.
Buy a Macbook Pro
Changed my mind and got a new Dell XPS instead. I still drool over the Macbook Pro..but I am happy with my XPS.
redecorate my Library (is that what I am calling it now?)
I bought the paint!! This winter....I promise...
photograph more....
Yay!! I DID this...not consistently, but overall, a definite improvement.
digitize analogue tapes
I now have a friend with a this will get done! We did's the infamous 1 year old Cole in a snowsuit falling on his head. Ouch!
digitize family photos
I have a stack..and I re-loaded my HP software so I can now scan. Evidently Vista uninstalls this software randomly some time after it is installed..but once that mystery was solved..we had scanning!!!
introduce TED !!
I have a wiki..does that count? And a website...and an LLC license...and a graphic artist to design a logo and business steps
party more !!
Yes....although when you really didn't party much at all, anything is more..this should say, enjoy life more!!
complain less !!
Yes!! But you would have to ask the people who know me and love me....maybe it's the new job???
So there you have it..lots of things still on the list..lots of goals, lots of plans. 2009 promises to be fun, exciting, and challenging. One thing is for sure, I am grateful for my health and my ability to get up every day and face life's big and little challenges; I am grateful for my family and friends; and I will try to live each day with a sense of purpose and accomplishment.
Happy New Year everyone!!!
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