Thursday, February 21, 2008

What do you need?

I need coffee. Every morning. And occasionally, I need it again in the afternoon. I need 8 hours of sleep every night, which I don't usually get. I need to eat. Like every two -three hours..just a little that I don't crash and burn. I also need water, lots of water, especially if I'm going to the guessed it...crash and burn.

I need to read. Every morning. Especially the news...the daily newspaper delivered to my house and several online editions. I need to write, too! Obviously.

Those are the basics, essentially, but I've been thinking about what I really need to function as a high level human being. I 've had moments without these things, and clearly I am a happier more productive person when my needs, or most of my needs are met.

1. Learn. Something new every day is the goal, but sometimes it's one big thing that carries over for weeks or months, and that counts.
2. Interact with likeable people. At least a couple times a day. Sometimes this is hard...I mean I do like a lot of people, but that is a relative word. Likeable people send off good vibes and make you feel more positive in general, which is a good thing.
3. Set goals. Every day. Little goals that get crossed off the short to do list, and long term goals to keep me focised on what's important...the BIG GOAL. Have a big goal.
4. Intellectual Interaction. That's a hard one. It's like a little quiz I have with myself every day. "Who can handle having a conversation with me today?" You'd be surprised. I do not need people to agree with me! To the contrary. However, there are a whole lot people who like to carry on one way conversations...all talk, no questioning. Is that a conversation? I don't think so. I feel fortunate if I can have 1 intellectual conversation daily. I usually end up having it in my head.
5. Friends. I like my space and my quiet time, and I even need it occasionally, but I need people. Am I needy? A little. I have a family, but friends are different. Different friends for different needs, I guess. See the list above.
6. Laugh. Sometimes friends make you laugh, sometimes family makes you laugh, sometimes I laugh at myself. Laughter is good.

So I used to think I needed to have fun, shop, eat, etc...but I guess all of those things are substitutes for something on the list. I've seen Oprah. I get it.

What do you need?

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