PLEASE. Evidently I have turned a new leaf, and passed some kind of a test. I don't get it, really. I now see that there are those that seem to thrive on negativity. What a drain. I think I used to be one of those people. But now I'm not.
There is surprise and reaction...then there is only peace, because what else is there? What is, doesn't matter why. Perhaps this translates to golf?
I love my new clubs by the way. I love the way they sit in my bag, and I have so many exciting choices to try! Should I use a 9 iron? A 7 iron? A utility wedge? Since I have only used them once, I have no idea! It's a wonderful surprise, really. This is why I did not keep score on paper yesterday, I only kept score in my head, and it was pretty high, but easy to remember. Seems I can hit the 9 iron about 100 yards. I should be able to hit my 7 iron about 120. The sand wedge needs a little softer touch. Oops. And do not try to fix something that isn't broken-. Hitting the fairway makes the game A LOT easier. My putting has improved a TON thanks to Torrey Pines Jordan...and now I remember which fingers I need to tape.
So, I have learned to be analytical when it comes to golf. Self-reflection is good. It is also good to talk to yourself on the golf course if you do not have a notebook. I used to think my husband was weird because he could remember every shot on every hole in detail. Not so weird. I now can focus on my shots, on the holes, and analyze each shot. My goal is to break 100 and drop my handicap by 10 points. Can I do it? Absolutely. But only with a positive attitude and focus. And peace.
So what is, is. Even in golf. You see once the shot is made, it's over. You cannot take it back, even though you would like a do-over. You can analyze the mechanics, try to correct the mistakes and make improvements, but you must move on to the next shot.
Having a negative attitude is DISASTER for your golf game..or any game. Let it go. Move on to the next shot. Stay focused on the goal, line up your shot,relax, breathe, take a practice swing,and watch your back. If you do these things you'll hit a great shot.
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