Saturday, April 26, 2008

To be or not to be......

So the other night I received a phone call...late....from one of our union representatives and I thought after I hung up the phone, "Wow, my career in this place has ended the way it began 13 years ago. THAT is really weird."

Some folks thrive on drama. The more drama the better. They create drama where none exists. If they walk into a room and people are chill, they make themselves noticed and bada's SHOW TIME. I love drama! But I want to A) either audition for a bit part in a community theater production at the local high school; or B) Go watch a masterful performance on or off Broadway and get my money's worth.

Did I mention I am going to be spending the week with some amature drama queens? It should be quite entertaining. I'm sure they think I will play whatever part they have me down for, so I am trying to decide if I will cave in to the pressure, or not. Maybe I will improvise. I'm sure, by now, I have been type cast into the typical "middle aged, nurturing, school teacher type, who can, occasionally be quite bitchy if things don't go her way or if she hasn't had enough sleep and/or coffee."

I am so over that. Seven years ago I was a brat. I was pouty and miserable and annoying. I would say, looking back fondly on that first year, there was a bit of a power struggle and an awkward getting to know you stage. My golf game was non existant, I had no idea what the plan was, I was expected to just go along for the ride. Who in their right mind would drive 17 hours to Myrtle Beach, arrive in the early morning hours, unable to check into a hotel, and then be on the tee ready to play at noon?

Followed by (are you ready for this?) getting up at 6am, rushing to breakfast and being told...we are leaving in 5 minutes! No time for waking up, no time for coffee....UGGGGH. By Wednesday, I had figured the plan out, on my own. I like to be in control. I lke to know what the plan is. Lesson # 1: If you want to know what the plan is...ASK!!

I am surprised they ever invited us back. I think it was because they like my husband. It is not often that people get a chance to reinvent themselves. I feel like I have a golden opportunity for an Academy Award type performance coming up, for the week, on into the future, perhaps. So for the week, I will be my usual charming self because I will not be comfortable enough with anybody to be let my guard down. A command performance! It can be done, because I have done it before. And we all know that when you act it and believe it, it becomes reality. So there you go. Be who you want to be.

The interesting twist is that the cast of this particular drama has been together for more than a dozen years.I am the new person, relatively speaking. Not only am I the new person, but now I am in a new role, separated from my partner, who tends to be a bit of a drama queen himself, although he would never admit it.

So what surprises will this year's Myrtle Beach production have in store? Stay all new drama packed adventure has just begun. Will this season's show be a hit? Will the new girl fit in? Will there be any surprising twists? You will have to watch the show.

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