Sunday, May 4, 2008

It's all about the sun and the beer and the cheese..

It will take me a week to rest from my vacation. And probably a month to burn off all the excess calories consumed during the 9 rounds of golf in 6 days. That's right.
Here are some things you should know if you ever decide to head to Myrtle Beach to play golf with a group of golf crazed maniacs:

If your tee time is early enough, you can still see your breath when you exhale, AND be finished by noon so you can get out and play another 18 in the afternoon and still make happy hour. BUT, don't be expecting Bloody Mary's on the front nine- they don't start serving hard alcohol until 10am. Beer, however, can be consumed as a breakfast item.

Bring lots of balls and tip money. OR make sure you have a handy dandy ball retriever. My favorite was the person in the washroom handing out paper towels to dry your hands ...for a tip..or maybe it was the cashier in the pro shop who wanted to know if I wanted change from a 5 for a 3 dollar logo ball.?!

It really is all about the cheese...points that is. When shots don't go your way, there is always a cheesy point for being closest to the pin.

Alcohol and caffeine do not make for good hydration. Every year I learn this by day 2. You need to drink water, too. Especially in 80 degree heat with 80 percent humidity.

USE a sand wedge to get out of the sand trap that is 150 yards off the tee. EVEN if it is 200 yards from the pin. Don't try to be a hero and use a 7 iron, then an 8 iron, then a 9 iron, moving 10 yards at a time up a very long waste bunker. Use a sand wedge and blast it out onto the fairway for 1 stroke.

Aim your tee shot AWAY from the sand trap that is 150 yards off the tee....especially if you hit a 150 yard tee shot.

Early morning tee times also favor wet fairways, wet sand and wet greens. Yuck..Wet sand is hard to get out of unless you pick the ball clean. I am now officially a connossieur of all things sand....

DO NOT celebrate a low round until the END of the round. The golf gods do not look kindly on premature exhuberance and bragging...

You can only tease the boys when they are playing well, because they are babies. Enough said.

ALWAYS check to find out where the bathrooms are located BEFORE consuming excessive amounts of liquid refreshment. Some courses are female friendly, others are not. Not too smart, considering females like to spend money and drink.

And when all is said and done.. it is all about the sun and the beer and the cheese. Let the golf games begin.

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