Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Summertime Thoughts

It has been awhile. since my last post.There is no avoiding it...summer has arrived. In spite of New Hampshire's version of June Gloom, summer is officially here. So far, not so good. So far we have had to say goodbye to my aunt, and we will miss her terribly. It is a reminder not to take things for granted..especially people. There are some people-friends and relatives- I swear I have not seen in years. Unfortunately, sometimes 6 weeks can be too long. Make a point of spending time with people you care about. What would happen if they were to disappear from your life today?

So far there has been a lot of rain..afternoon thunderstorms. Are we living in Florida or NH? It is a process when it rains..there are umbrellas, pool toys and cushions ....I have decided to leave the cushions out...so what it if they get wet.

So far not much golf. I am supposed to be on vacation! How is it I have no time for leisure activities? I have had to book hair, nails, massage, and golf. I have had relatives dropping in, staying over. I have even had to clean and cook!! I want to go back to work I think.....I'm tired of being on vacation.

So far I have met a guy from Illinois who moved to California who finished sentences with "Right on!" He has long dreadlocks, tatoos, wears birkies and John Lennon sunglasses. Right on!

I have a new list, it's called:
THINGS I WANT TO DO THIS SUMMER. I wonder how many things will get crossed off? A couple, I hope.
  • I want to tour the Sam Adams Brewery;
  • I want to go see a Fisher Cats game, or Portland Sea Dogs, I'm not fussy.
  • I want to take the Downeaster to somewhere..I haven't decided yet. I love trains. I
  • want to go away, to a place with a pool, and do nothing for 2 days except do nothing. No worries...no phone calls, no computer, no television.
  • I want to read my neighbor's book UNREQUITED
  • I want to organize my photos (that' son the long list, too.)
  • And I want to have at least 2 parties

So there it is. Summer is here. I am hopeful and happy. It is a time to regenerate and renew and relax. If only I can find a few minutes...

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