Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Truth About Golfers

So, you ask, what is it like to see real professional tour golfers up close and in person? Well, I guess it's kind of like seeing a celebrity in person. Once they jump off the TV screen onto the fairway, they are just regular people...with some really cool clothes.

For example, from my living room couch, I thought Tiger Woods was at least 6'4. Apparently, the only reason his smaller frame looks so much larger than everyone else's, is because many of the golfers are, I mean, 6 ft tall or less. Yes, that's right. Who knew? They also come in all shapes and sizes. Most of them are lean and not very large, either. Tiger is ripped, and Phil is trying to pump it up, but pretty much, their muscles are long and lean. I would have to say Vijay is probably one of the tallest golfers on the tour, but that could be becuse he is sooooo slim. Apparently he is not very nice to people along the course, either, especially when things don't go his way.

The most sylish dressers are definitely the Europeans. Tiger is very conservative. and who is responsible for Phil's wardrobe? I think he is trying to reinvent himself, and it is not working, at least for me.

The caddies are amazing. The golfers totally rely on their caddies for information, guidance and of course, to lug their bags around.

The biggest lesson I learned by observing the best golfers in the world is:
1) There are ALOT of bad golf shots...and not many great ones
2) Golfers keep their bodies REALLY still. There is an amazing efficiency of movement so that all of their energy is transferred to that little golf ball.
3) A Positive attitude goes a very long way. It was very obvious that when shots went bad, the golfers who kept their wits about them ended up in a better place than those who threw their clubs.
4) And it really is all about the putt. Champions are determined more often than not by 3 feet or less.

Everyone should have the opportunity to see the people we idolize up close, in person. Turns out, they really do exist, and they are just like you and me....only a whole lot better at golf.

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