Thursday, February 17, 2011

Time Flies

Apparently, I have had nothing to say in the last 1o months. If you know me, you know that is not true. It has been a typical year-one that I will run through in abbreviated fashion beginning with the last post in April.
In May a new grandson, Logan John , was born into the world. What a cutie-probably the cutest baby yet. Or maybe my eyes are getting old. Then Memorial weekend, my mom moved in with me for the summer. We spent the weekend packing, moving, unpacking and sweating.

In June we took a trip to California and volunteered at the US Open at Pebble Beach. We flew into Vegas for an overnight-it was gray and drizzly and cool, I had a wicked cold, and we almost crashed the nude pool for lunch. But we were dressed. We were hungry, I wanted a drink, and the outside lounge called BARE looked cool. So there we were at the Mirage, and I was sick. I barely remember wandering the streets looking at hotels, but what I do remember was the big shiny ad for the iPad. We had an awesome dinner and ate some gigantic crab legs and steak, and then flew to San Jose the next day to meet up with an old prom date I hadn't seen in 35 years.

THAT was interesting. Anyone who texts you as soon as your plane lands, and waits in the rental car parking lot is a stalker, and probably has issues. It was even more obvious when he announced he was driving a silver Porsche. Really? After taking us into town for lunch and grabbing the only free parking spot on the street, we order lunch, wine, appetizers; and he and his wife wait for us to pick up the tab. "Why don't we split it?" Super. And they took the leftovers. I hope I gave him my cold.

On to Pebble Beach-our 30th anniversary, and a trip of a lifetime. I was sick with a fever by now, and the temperature never got above 60, with a damp breeze off the ocean. 7Am on the second tee box meant we had to get up at 5am. We did get to see the Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman's Wharf and the garlic capitol of the world. Oh, and Monterey was lovely. By Thursday, I was sick of wearing my underarmour, shirt, vest AND jacket, every day. And I was also sick of rude spectators who don't think the rules apply to them. And Tiger Woods is an ass. Just sayin.

5 days later I was on a plane to Denver for 5 days to ISTE. Thank goodness my friend Ginny managed to break me out of the city our last day there, and we got to go watch rock climbing overlooking the Coors Brewing Factory in Golden.

In July , in order to prevent a surprise birthday party from being thrown by my kids at my house, I told them I wanted to go to dinner for my birthday. The outdoor stoves would have been cool at the Beach Fire, but it was 95 degrees out that night. They ordered a ton of food-none of which I ate, and they made me wear a crown and sing Sweet Caroline for the gang. And my brother showed up with my good friend as his date. A fun and awkward night was had by all.

The month of July I spent working-I hosted 3 weeks of technology workshops for over 60 teachers; a total of 700 hours or something ridiculous, and then it was August.

I don't remember much of August, I think it was good. Then I went back to work and it was September. And then October, which was a sad month.

Back and forth to Florida a couple times to say good bye to my mother in law who passed away Oct 10. And then it was November, December, and January.

Now it is February, and it feels like that was a lot to have happen in a few short months. No wonder I am tired. It has been too long since I have written, and so the story isn't quite as entertaining as it could have been, but I'm back. I will have more road adventures, travel woes, and experiences to write about, but that's all for now.

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