Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday Funday

I really was not looking forward to an April game at Fenway Park, even though I love going into Boston, especially to see New England's favorite baseball team-the Boston Red Sox! But an April game? In spite of the fact tickets from the box office are nearly impossible to secure, my husband managed to snag 2 tickets to the Sunday afternoon Patriot's weekend game.

Friday and Saturday were cold and rainy, and Sunday dawned rainy, too. It snowed up North, and there were signs of sleet and freezing rain occasionally. Oh, this ought to be lots of fun!
After checking the NOAA radar, it appeared the bulk of the rain would be heading out in or around the 1:35 game time. So we put on our Under Armour, our sweatshirts and grabbed waterproof rain gear, grabbed a sandwich, and some cash, and off we went.

"Do you have the tickets? Do you know where they are?"
"I know they're down the third baseline, that s all I remember."
As we drove south, it poured, but as we approached the city-the sun was peeking through the clouds. Great. I brought plenty of rain gear, but no shades.Over the Tobin, down Storrow Drive, and as we drove along the Charles, the cherry blossoms and azaleas were in nearly full bloom. Since when does Boston look this great Patriot's weekend?

It was kind of trafficky, and there were plenty of people out and about. That's right-the Boston Marathon is Monday! My excitement was building.We parked the truck and made our way to Yawkey Way. Tickets swiped, we went in and started looking first for the restroom, then for a beer, then for our section.

"Right up here!" As we came out into the open, the ground crew was laying the rain tarp-pouring again.
"See those umbrellas down there? That' sour section."
"Way down there? Like right down there?"
"We are in row 5."
"Hope they don't keep those umbrella's up during the game!"

So we stood under cover, drinking our beer and waited for the rain shower to blow over.
I can't believe people actually pay money for SRO (Standing Room Only) tickets to watch the game from behind that white line? Who does that? And I bet they really don't stay there.
Thirty minutes later, the rain stopped, the grounscrew folded up the tarp (not once, but twice because they needed a do-over.) And we made our way down toward the field-closer and closer and closer-5 rows from the field. Of course we had no camera but for the camera on the Razor phone.

Here are my observations:
  • Evan Longoria is really good looking
  • Jon Lester has a potty mouth
  • The On Deck Circle is for looks only-it is way too close to the third baseline for anyone to actually stand there and take their chances
  • Bud light is not really beer- I don't know what it is-but you know that song about Dirty Water?
  • The vendors actually start at row number 1-every time. They jog all the way down and start at 1. Seriously.
  • the first 2 rows are corporate rows-they get a server who takes their order.
  • People who actually pay for those seats (not the losers who scurry down late in the game to sit in vacant seats) are actually very nice, respectful, but fun people.
  • Jason Varitek received the largest applause every time he did anything
  • The elderly Event Manager we chatted with had been waiting for Sunday's "Sweet Caroline" all weekend-which meant he would soon get to go home!
  • PD's RBI to get the Sox on the board in the bottom of the 9th was received with a standing O. Fans just looking for a chance to cheer
  • I didn't miss the high school/college mentality that joined our section in the 8th inning to jeer and poke fun at the opposing team who was kicking our butt-giggling like girls
Overall-the BEST seats we've ever scored at any ballpark, ever. So in spite of the fact the Sox lost, it was a fun day. Except for the Bud Light. yuck.

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