Friday, January 4, 2008

Happiness is in the heart....

Not in the head. So thinking is overrated, and just being and doing seem to work just fine. What makes you happy? I gotta say, it's amazing what a random list it is. But whatever it is, make time in your day for it and do it. Whatever it is. Do not try to analyze, discuss, force, brow beat, or beat yourself up. Just do it. Is that why the Nike ad is so successful?

So there is a really good blog out there called ZENHABITS and I highly recommend it if you are trying to get to happy. Of course, the latest post is about spending too much time on the computer...which is how I found this cool site to begin with, so go figure!

A happy body equals a happy head....and it appears to be true. Going to the gym, to exercise, or exorcize, is good for the soul. Eating bad equals feeling bad, not happy...Sleep brings sweet dreams and much needed rest...and work, people, is work. Sometimes, work can be fun, but if it is not, it is just work.

Take time to have fun..every day. But first you must know how to have fun. What makes you happy? What kind of fun will you have today?

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