Okay, so I think it may be possible to not work. You know, not have a real job. Lately work is interfering with life, and that isn't a good thing. I feel like I'm 22 again. My daughter..who is 22, who knows she doesn't want to get up at 6am each day and be to work by 8. "This schedule is not working out," she says, "it's just not for me." Maybe that's my issue. The schedule really goes against my inner clock.
What would the perfect job look like? Well, to start, the perfect job day would begin around 9am, with about 30 minutes to check and respond to email, make a list, and actually think about a plan of attack for the day. Then, there needs to be time to check in with your people. You know who they are, the positive people who can get you charged up and energized to start your day.
So around 10:00 your day begins with whatever you have on your list...and you start knocking things off, one at a time, with little distraction, music playing softly or loudly, depending on the task. Perhaps your people stop by to say hi and check in on you. Perhaps your supervisor stops by to acknowledge that you exist and that you are doing a fantastic job!
Noon time-lunch!! And imagine a job where you get 60 minutes for lunch! Just like a grown up. You could eat, go for a walk, run a quick errand or two, and be back, ready for the afternoon by 1:02. The afternoon would be spent finishing tasks, reading, learning, teaching, sharing and basking in your own productivity.
3:00- time for a bit of caffeine- an afternoon pick me up and a snack. Time to straighten up, organize and plan the next day. Time to read email, take notes, and tie up loose ends.
4pm- lights out and off to the gym!
I guess I could work until 5pm like a normal person. But we are talking about the perfect job, remember? Oh, and did I mention a 3 day work week would suffice? No Fridays, and possibly no Mondays. Although sometimes I like Mondays...the beginning of a new week. But starting your week on a Tuesday wouldn't be so bad, either.
Well, I am seriously contemplating working extra long and hard to pay off all my bills so I won't have to work any more. You know, stay home and do what stay at home people do: clean, shop, cook, watch soap operas and game shows, and have lots of energy for the gym and a night life. I think it could work. I don't really need to spend all the money I do, I just spend it because it's there and it's necessary retail therapy brought on because of the undue stress of working. So no work- no stress- and no need for shopping. Theoretically.
So why work? Lately, it is not bringing about much satisfaction, and it is eating up a huge chunk of time that could be spent learning all kinds of cool new skills.
So what would you do if you did not have to work? How would you spend your time? Lately, I am beginning to wonder....I bet I could not work and get away with it. What do you think?
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