Red. The color of war, danger, power, energy, passion, and love.Today was a red day.Emotionally intense.I woke up and decided to wear red. Red and black....awesome. So there I was trying to answer the question, "Where is the computer lab?" How can computer lab be missing...."Can you set the projector up so I can show the dvd at lunches today?"
"Why isn't anyone getting my email?"
"Why can't I log in? This is taking password doesn't work...see? I tried it a million times!"
"The printer is jammed...It's jammed again....and again, and again."
"Where IS the lab?"
"My Internet isn't working." Did you fill out an Incident report? "No, because I thought everyone was having trouble...."
"Is anyone in HERE today?"
To the deliver the projector cart downstairs....the door opens and the elevator is already occupied....there waiting patiently for someone or someone's mess to clean is a lonely stand-up Hoover vaccuum. And it is red. I share my elevator ride with a red Hoover. Suddenly the frenzy of the morning seemed less threatening somehow, sharing the elevator with the red Hoover.
Hours later, delivering the projector back upstairs to the lab....the elevator opens, and the red Hoover is standing tall, occupying the same spot...all day long.
The day ends and as I walk out the door down the hallway with a colleague the custodian remarks..."What is it a red day today? Everyone is wearing red!"
Even the Hoover....
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