Thursday, November 29, 2007

I have questions.....

So things I've noticed...I am a whole lot more coordinated when I get to use the right side of my body..but forget the left side- it's like an alien. I am utterly and completely uncoordinated. Just goes to show how your brain really does get used to things and needs to keep learning!

So there really is such a phenomenon as ADT...because I must have it. It's why sometimes no work gets done. It's like there's so much to do you get going in so many directions you cannot focus and you cannot finish a thing. Email, web pages, student accounts, IM, printer jams, log in problems, email, web pages, oops, did I just say that?

So when was the last time you laughed? I was actually asked that in an interview once....thank goodness for crazy friends who send wicked funny emails...

What was the name of the last book you read, that you didn't have to read for some course? Sorry, I cannot finish a book...ADT.

And then there's movies that I've never seen...a ton, I'm sure....and when I get the chance to see a really good movie that has been out forever, it is like some miracle that at the exact moment I step on the elliptical at the gym and plug in my headphones and turn on the TV....there' s Tom Cruise. What is that movie? I don't recognize it...because I've never seen it. And I feel somehow that I am getting something for nothing because I never had to pay for the movie. I am not a Tom Cruise fan....but I will watch it until I know what it is....The Last Samurai...I believe a man does what he can until his destiny is revealed....I stay on the elliptical and can't believe what I am seeing....

Imagine a virtual world, a Second Life, where you can be whoever you want to be, go almost anywhere you want to go, and do things you have never done before, like take a ride inside a people who are not who they appear to be, and perhaps never see them again...or meet up with them regularly on their island. Kinda like MySpace next generation. Why go out at night when you can be a couch potato in your jammies, while your SL avatar is rockin the night away with her girlfriends down at the club? You can enjoy a fantastic night on the town from the comfort of your own home where you are sitting all alone...

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