Friday, November 16, 2007

So how do you.....?

I want to know how to do it myself. I am impatient by nature, and I do not want to wait around for someone to fix things so that I can move on with my life. In the same respect, sometomes it takes me an incredible amount of time to try to figure it out by myself.

I used to be shy. I used to sit, quietly, trying not to bother anyone, hoping noone would notice me. But as I got older, I figured out that wasn't gonna get me very far. So now, I figure out what I want and I find a way to do it.

I have lots of do you do this? How do you do that? It takes patience and practice to learn something new and you need time to practice, practice practice. Sometimes we do not want to follow our own advice. Sometimes, we try to take on too many new things at once, then the practice time needs to be divided up into very small chunks. It's better to tackle a couple new tasks and learn to do them well.

And keep a notebook. Write everthing down. Categorize it and refer to it often. My notebook needs some new categories that are not work or technology related...things like recipes, quotes, practical advice, golf, shopping, and people, yes, people. Oh and websites, but that's why I have de.lic.ious.

Learning new things is good for the brain. I have a list of new things I want to learn and do. The problem is, many of the the things I need to learn in order to get stuff done are not on the list....and I didn't know what I didn't know....and that's a lot.

So every day begins with, how do you.....? What do you want to know how to do today?

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