Sunday, November 25, 2007

To Dust or Not to Dust..that is the question!

So have you ever used a sander? Well, what started out to be a simple day of cleaning bugs out of lights and sealing a wood frame on a new window, ended up being a dusty, dirty cloudy mess when the new electric sander came out of the box. What is it with guys and toys? There was no need for electric anything in this case. A small scrap of old sandpaper and a little elbow grease would've done the job nicely. Instead, what we got was a four hour sanding extravaganza....oh, and did I mention NOTHING was covered up...sofa, photos, lamps, dishes. "What? It's already dusty's not like it's a lot worse than it already is."
"Do you see where that dust is going???" Dust on the counter, on the canisters, all over the sink. Dust on the pillows, the sofa, the rug,t he screens, the windows. Beautiful clean, smooth windowsills.....Ahhhhh..the price I pay for not dusting. A trip to the gym....a bottle of Reisling...and darkness settling over the living room. The dusting can wait... There's still another set of windows to do....let me know when you're done.

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