Saturday, November 3, 2007

It's Never as SImple as it Seems.....

So my civic duty has ended...for now. The jury has spoken and it was not the "fun" experience everyone told me to have. You cannot predict these things in life, but you learn you can deal with them. Simple assault is not really simple. Reaching a verdict in 5 minutes does not mean it was easy. And it definitely was not fun. The entire process was interesting and unique, unlike anything I've ever experienced. It is not entirely unlike TV.

So the unanimous verdict-guilty. Reached in about 5 minutes. We waited for another 5 minutes before we called the bailiff, cuz it seemed like we reached it too quickly. The bailiff escorted us back into the courtroom where the Jury Foreman was asked the question,"What say the Jury? Does the Jury find the defendent guilty or not guilty?"
"Guilty, your honor." Done. We had to go back to our room for about 20 minutes, then the judge came to see us. "What took you so long?" He laughed. The verdict was obvious to him. "Don't you want to know what he got?" Well sure...."Well, the maximum is 12 months... so what do you think I gave him?"
"12 months?"
"Yes, 12 months. He has prior assaults......" Geeze. We did the right thing. And we knew it right away. What a creep.

Three more days to Houston. Did I mention I'm not sure WIndows VIsta Moviemaker makes the grade? There are less options manipulating the audio level between clips and audio clips...and after working about 2 hours the other night, my video stopped working altogether. Nothing, nadda, a black screen. Hope it comes back.

Oh and evidently, Keynote acts a lot like Powerpoint when it comes to saving files and saving a presentation, only more so. Powerpoint can usually find your files if they are saved locally on the machine in their own folder. With Keynote, however, you need to actually save your image folder in the presentation folder in order for Keynote to find them! A couple hours of useless searching of discussion groups and voila.....let's try this and se if it does!!

Lots of questions answered this week....but the week's not really over yet, is it? And I still have a new Dell computer in the box. Think I'm gonna go by a connector to suck the data off my old hard drive onto my new Dell. Maybe not today, though. Today is Multimedia Moviemaking Day.

3 days to Houston.

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