So many questions, not enough time. Every day is filled with curiosities and wonderings. What do you want to know today.....?
Friday, May 30, 2008
I hate endings
The list of new goals, hopes and dreams needs to be rewritten. I am feeling really lazy right now, or is it tired and drained? I guess endings is a little harsh, and I should, instead think accomplishments. Completed tasks, jobs, missions accomplished.
What is hard to swallow is the end of teamwork, relationships, and comraderie. Some of it was my choice as I moved on to different challenges and adventures. I never really considered the people I left behind. Now I know what it feels like. The one being left behind. I guess it feels like a captain going down with the ship. That's probably why I feel like I'm drowning. I am torn between that sense of responsibility for a sinking, floundering vessel, and making sure all my passengers get out safely, and jumping ship before the last life boat leaves.
So every day brings me closer to my ship being sucked into the ocean's black vortex from which there apparently is no escape. And yet I feel like there is nothing I can do but sing Amazing Grace and have faith that I will get out of this alive.
The burning of Rome, the sinking of the Titanic, the sinking of Atlantis, big endings. Lots of accomplishments, but buried beneathe rubble for years. What a waste.
So forgive me if I need to stay with the ship just a bit longer. I cannot concentrate on a new beginning right now, with so many goodbyes.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
1-2-3 JUMP!
I have been waiting for a sign. That's what I keep telling myself, anyway, it's a good excuse and makes a good story.
The key is you need to be ready to recognize the signs when they come. It's like pieces of a puzzle that need to be put together. The pieces all fit, and they have a purpose...but you need to be able to sift through the crap to get it. You need to be able to have a vision and see clearly..through unclouded eyes. It takes practice. It takes a lot of reflecting and even though I am not a propnent of thinking, it does take a fair amount of detective work. All I can say is when you get that "Aha" feeling, or that "deja vu" feeling or that smile inside of you when the phone rings and it is the person you were just talking about that you haven't heard from in a is not a coincidence. It is karma and you need to be ready for it.
So how hard is it? It is wicked hard! Every day you wake up and go through the motions. If you're not careful, every day becomes every week, and every week becomes every year and eventually you cannot even remember who you are and you are old and tired. The project that has been unfinished for years...finish it. The places you want to go, go there. The thing you just always wanted to do...just do it.
All I'm saying is to become more aware of life and it's little messages tucked away into the corners of all things ordinary. Take a moment of stillness out of your day and reflect on those perfect moments where it all comes together.
So, as Eleanor Roosevelt said, "Do the thing you think you cannot do." Just do it. The signs are all there. No more excuses, no more waiting for signs. Remember it is all decided for us anyways. So what sign are you waiting for?
Sunday, May 25, 2008
The Neverending Story
What would you do if you were actually in the story and couldn't get out? Stories are meant to be told AFTER the fact. There is no after, yet, for me. It is still very much now..the present..and I am in the story, still. The story that apparently has not really ended yet. The story that keeps on giving. It is a challenge I face every day..for a reason I have not quite figured out yet.
I am surprised how famous or infamous it is, really. I am surprised it continues to be a story, really. I have let it go, or I have tried to, because after all, it is nothing but a story now, in the past. The past is gone. It really does not even exist except in the minds of those that wish to relive it. I do not.
I have tried to keep positive, to live in the present, and to be a better person, every day. I am creating my own story, minute by minute. I am learning every day that for every action there is a reaction. If you make a choice, be prepared to deal with the reaction. But it is all part of the story that has not ended yet.
Sometimes stories have lessons. Sometimes new characters bring new lessons. Yesterday a new character entered my story with a new lesson. A simple lesson, but poignant: the Chinese believe life is for a very long time..because when this life ends, there are other lives. They believe you can learn much from animals, and their pace through life. The rabbit has avery short life span as they run around like crazy through life. The tortoise, on the other hand...can live hundreds of years. Do you want to be a rabbit or a tortoise?
It is important to live each minute moment of your life. Live now, create your own stories from the present, not the past. I believe your choices and paths have already been determined. I am learning to go with it and be positive. It is unproductive and unhealthy to be negative. I have learned that lesson from my life story, now I am learning to breathe and slow down so that I can be like the tortoise, and not the rabbit.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Sad times
Here's what you need to do survive in the workplace jungle:
Do not make friends....heavens, no! Because one of two things will happen....your friends will leave you, because it's work, not real life...or people that cannot mind their own business will gossip and tell stories behind your back because they are clairvoyant. Everyone knows what' sbest for you..and everyone certainly knows everyone else's business!
Do not think you are indispensable, and do not try to put your all into your job. Do not, under any circumstances be passionate about what you do. In the end, you are nothing...and all of your time and energy and passion will be expunged. Poof! Like you never existed. So do your job efficiently and without passion. No pain.
Do not try to engage commoners in thoughtful conversation. They only want to hear themselves talk, they do not care what you have to say, really, so keep your mouth shut.
Do not draw attention to yourself..if you complain, it will come back to haunt you. If you point out indiscrepancies or errors or inadequacies, it will somehow be turned against you. You let it didn't try hard enough. What are you gonna do about it?
Do not think that just because you are honorable and do the right thing you will be rewarded. It is every man for himself, apparently.Look at Marion Jones. Look at Roger Clemens. Enough said.
Do not hope that things will change and become better are who you are. A square peg does not fit into a round hole, unless it breaks....or the edges get worn with time and friction. Do not break yourself.
And last but not least, remember you can not control what other people think, say and do. You can only control your reaction to them. I will try to follow my own advice.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Wild Turkey, Landshark and Lobstah
Now I know the baby had Thanksgiving dinner in a jar for supper last night, but this was straight out of Jumanji! Can you say gobble gobble? A turkey was standing in my back yard, tail feathers in full regalia, prancing around with his neck jutting in and out, looking at me looking at him through the back door window. If the Texan wasn't snoring peacefully upstairs, I would have screamed! Instead, I whispered really loud to myself, "I can't believe this!" Then I went running for my camera and woke my husband up.
"There's a turkey in our backyard. A real one! With his tail feathers up and everything!!" We ran downstairs-there was Mr. Turkey. He meandered back and forth across our driveway..then out to the front yard. We were running from window to window with the camera trying to catch him with his feathers up, but he wasn't cooperating. He was, however, very comfortable strolling among the apple trees.
'He must be from the farm down the road."
"I thought they had goats?"
"No, they have turkeys."
"Should we call someone?"
"No, he'll find his way back home. If not, then he's somebody's dinner." He must have weighed in at over 20 pounds. Huge. Definitely not wild.
So I snapped a few bad pictures of him wandering around my truck, then we got bored and had breakfast. On the way to the mailbox to retrieve the Sunday News, I was definitely on the lookout for turkey poop.Then off to church where we just escaped being part of the annual tow truck parade.
You gotta love May in New Hmapshire. I wonder what the Texan thinks of us? I think he had a good time, and I'm sure he thinks we know how to have a good time. Everyone was on their best behavior, the lobster was delish, and the children were quite entertaining.
"I need to go home now," my grandaughter whispered in my ear, "you're my best friend."
"Haha, Colleen, I am her new best friend....for now. But only because I fed her blueberries and got the ball glove away from her cousin.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Let it be...
I never considered myself easy going, but hey, it's good to reinvent yourself. The reality is, we are all dispensable. Here today, gone tomorrow. Sounds tough, but it's reality.
What will they say when you are gone? What do you want them to think, to say? Does it matter? I have been thinking about this and, surprisingly, when it is time to go, it doesn't matter what they say. You have already moved on to a new place in your heart. It is enough to know that you worked hard and left the wood pile a little bit higher than when you found it. It does not matter if anybody notices. Because you know it, in your heart, and it is a good feeling.
So, not much else to say except, "let it be." You do not have to prove your importance or justify your existence. Accept what is and live your life. Easy going enough for you?
I learned you are not your job. Your job is your job, it is not your life. You are who you are, it does not matter what you do by day or night. Those are just you spend your time, and time is relative. Once the moment is over it is over, it does not matter a bit. The only time that matters is right now, the present. So for right now, while I am writing this or while you are reading this, that is all that matters. Simple. And when I am done and you are done, the moment will be over, and life will move on and whatever happens will happen. It is all okay, because it was all meant to be.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mystic Pizza...a slice of heaven a few new cheesy looking hotels, Olde Mystik Village, a Starbucks, a Dunk's, reeeeealllllly expensive gas, and....where's the water? Isn't this supposed to be a famous seaport?
SO off I go on alittle adventure. I have my Tomtom, so I cannot possibly get lost. Where IS the water? Down to Main street, over the bridge...where's the parking lot?
Main Street....a few hundred yards of quaint little shops, (no water) and...oh, is that Mystic Pizza up there on the right with the Coors Light neon sign in the window? Somehow I pictured it differently.
I did manage to find the Old Seaport and the Aquarium (right next to Olde Mystik Village)...and I took some photos of old stuff, but it was really about nosing around the stores lining Main Street, and enjoying the sunny weather. After all, I live on the NH Seacoast. You seen one East Coast Seaport, you've seen 'em all.
But I must say, the Tomtom is sweet, we took a slight detour through Foxboro to Gillette Stadium for another photo opportunity. Then homeward to NH.
"Let's have some chowda and a salad and a bottle of wine and watch a movie tonight!"
Digital cable, although way overpriced, can offer some nice movie choices after a long day on the road. The movie selection of the day? Mystic Pizza, of course. The last time I saw it, back in the 80's, Matt Damon was nobody. I will say this. They did not film Mystic Pizza inside the Mystic Pizza shop. Trust me on that one. A little slice of heaven, maybe, but just a plain old ordinary pizza shop.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Weight Loss Secret Revealed!
- Go single...i learned my spouse makes me eat more, not intentionally of course, but when I am with him I eat more. So for the last two weeks I have been single. And I lost weight. Some days I didn't even really eat meals, just snacks like popcorn, yogurt, cheeze its and toast. And an occassional protein bar for good measure. I could eat whenever I wanted, whatever I wanted. My husband likes cake. Enough said.
- DO not make time to exercise, go out with friends and drink instead. It works. I don' t know why, maybe it has something to do with number 1 above. Of course I did play 9 rounds of golf last week...and went for 3, 2 mile walks on the beach. But that isn't really exercise...
- Deal with your stress and depression. Do not give in to it! See number 2 above. Everything ties together. Wine is wonderful, but since it is not cool to drink alone, you must find a friend to drink with. And since drinking replaces eating, as long as you are not consuming frozen margaritas and mudslides in multiplicity, you will probably not eat as much.
- Do not buy groceries!! Give someone else money and have them go to the store to "buy a few things." This is great because they do not know your secret cravings and thus they will come home with some random food items like peanut butter, cheeze its and popcorn . See number 1 above.
- Order appetizers and salad. To go with your wine.See number 3 above. If you go out to eat. You can drink more and you won't have that awful "oh my God I am so stuffed, why did I eat so much?" feeling.
So that's it. Simple, right? Not really. Because I am not really single, it was only temporary. I may have a hard time convincing my spouse that he doesn't really need to eat dinner every night. I could throw him a protein bar or make a giant bowl of popcorn and uncork a bottle of vino...I have already tried letting him buy groceries...nothing but cookies, chips and cake..and lots of white food. However, since I am clearly on to something, and he will definitely benefit, perhaps he will allow me to continue with my newly discovered weight loss program.
But first I have to do the pile of toast, popcorn and coffee dishes, pick up all the clothes, get the laundry done, and clean off the kitchen table which has functioned as a depository of crap all week.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
It's all about the sun and the beer and the cheese..
Here are some things you should know if you ever decide to head to Myrtle Beach to play golf with a group of golf crazed maniacs:
If your tee time is early enough, you can still see your breath when you exhale, AND be finished by noon so you can get out and play another 18 in the afternoon and still make happy hour. BUT, don't be expecting Bloody Mary's on the front nine- they don't start serving hard alcohol until 10am. Beer, however, can be consumed as a breakfast item.
Bring lots of balls and tip money. OR make sure you have a handy dandy ball retriever. My favorite was the person in the washroom handing out paper towels to dry your hands ...for a tip..or maybe it was the cashier in the pro shop who wanted to know if I wanted change from a 5 for a 3 dollar logo ball.?!
It really is all about the cheese...points that is. When shots don't go your way, there is always a cheesy point for being closest to the pin.
Alcohol and caffeine do not make for good hydration. Every year I learn this by day 2. You need to drink water, too. Especially in 80 degree heat with 80 percent humidity.
USE a sand wedge to get out of the sand trap that is 150 yards off the tee. EVEN if it is 200 yards from the pin. Don't try to be a hero and use a 7 iron, then an 8 iron, then a 9 iron, moving 10 yards at a time up a very long waste bunker. Use a sand wedge and blast it out onto the fairway for 1 stroke.
Aim your tee shot AWAY from the sand trap that is 150 yards off the tee....especially if you hit a 150 yard tee shot.
Early morning tee times also favor wet fairways, wet sand and wet greens. Yuck..Wet sand is hard to get out of unless you pick the ball clean. I am now officially a connossieur of all things sand....
DO NOT celebrate a low round until the END of the round. The golf gods do not look kindly on premature exhuberance and bragging...
You can only tease the boys when they are playing well, because they are babies. Enough said.
ALWAYS check to find out where the bathrooms are located BEFORE consuming excessive amounts of liquid refreshment. Some courses are female friendly, others are not. Not too smart, considering females like to spend money and drink.
And when all is said and done.. it is all about the sun and the beer and the cheese. Let the golf games begin.