Sunday, May 18, 2008

Wild Turkey, Landshark and Lobstah

It was a zoo. Baby animals everywhere! But good times. We imported a Texan and fed him lobster. We were feelin the love with some Landshark. But I kid you not- when the party was over and I woke up and tiptoed downstairs this morning to check out the morning sunshine that was not rain, I could not believe my eyes!

Now I know the baby had Thanksgiving dinner in a jar for supper last night, but this was straight out of Jumanji! Can you say gobble gobble? A turkey was standing in my back yard, tail feathers in full regalia, prancing around with his neck jutting in and out, looking at me looking at him through the back door window. If the Texan wasn't snoring peacefully upstairs, I would have screamed! Instead, I whispered really loud to myself, "I can't believe this!" Then I went running for my camera and woke my husband up.

"There's a turkey in our backyard. A real one! With his tail feathers up and everything!!" We ran downstairs-there was Mr. Turkey. He meandered back and forth across our driveway..then out to the front yard. We were running from window to window with the camera trying to catch him with his feathers up, but he wasn't cooperating. He was, however, very comfortable strolling among the apple trees.
'He must be from the farm down the road."
"I thought they had goats?"
"No, they have turkeys."
"Should we call someone?"
"No, he'll find his way back home. If not, then he's somebody's dinner." He must have weighed in at over 20 pounds. Huge. Definitely not wild.

So I snapped a few bad pictures of him wandering around my truck, then we got bored and had breakfast. On the way to the mailbox to retrieve the Sunday News, I was definitely on the lookout for turkey poop.Then off to church where we just escaped being part of the annual tow truck parade.

You gotta love May in New Hmapshire. I wonder what the Texan thinks of us? I think he had a good time, and I'm sure he thinks we know how to have a good time. Everyone was on their best behavior, the lobster was delish, and the children were quite entertaining.

"I need to go home now," my grandaughter whispered in my ear, "you're my best friend."
"Haha, Colleen, I am her new best friend....for now. But only because I fed her blueberries and got the ball glove away from her cousin.

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