Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sad times

Sometimes it is hard to follow your own advice. I admit it. I forgot you cannot control other people's can only control your own reactions. Was this a test? If so, then I think I flunked. I am amazed at how others behave at times, and I want to make everything right with the world. Or at least in my world. But I am living in a fantasy land, apparently, or a nightmare from which I cannot wake up.

Here's what you need to do survive in the workplace jungle:

Do not make friends....heavens, no! Because one of two things will happen....your friends will leave you, because it's work, not real life...or people that cannot mind their own business will gossip and tell stories behind your back because they are clairvoyant. Everyone knows what' sbest for you..and everyone certainly knows everyone else's business!

Do not think you are indispensable, and do not try to put your all into your job. Do not, under any circumstances be passionate about what you do. In the end, you are nothing...and all of your time and energy and passion will be expunged. Poof! Like you never existed. So do your job efficiently and without passion. No pain.

Do not try to engage commoners in thoughtful conversation. They only want to hear themselves talk, they do not care what you have to say, really, so keep your mouth shut.

Do not draw attention to yourself..if you complain, it will come back to haunt you. If you point out indiscrepancies or errors or inadequacies, it will somehow be turned against you. You let it didn't try hard enough. What are you gonna do about it?

Do not think that just because you are honorable and do the right thing you will be rewarded. It is every man for himself, apparently.Look at Marion Jones. Look at Roger Clemens. Enough said.

Do not hope that things will change and become better are who you are. A square peg does not fit into a round hole, unless it breaks....or the edges get worn with time and friction. Do not break yourself.

And last but not least, remember you can not control what other people think, say and do. You can only control your reaction to them. I will try to follow my own advice.

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